Fort Collins WordPress Meetup 2014 Kickoff

The Fort Collins WordPress Meetup is back for 2014! Our first meetup of the year will be on January 28 at 6:30 PM at Pateros Creek Brewery. We will be discussing the free Jetpack plugin and answering your WordPress questions. You can RSVP here. Jetpack is a free WordPress plugin built by the development team […]

Presenting at WordCamp Denver 2013

On Saturday, November 16, I’ll be presenting at WordCamp Denver 2013. The title of my talk is FTP Commando to Git Hero. During my presentation I’ll cover my journey over the past year implementing version control and deployment into my WordPress development workflow. Here is an outline of my presentation: Discuss some of the pitfalls […]

Day One Notes from CSS Dev Conf 2013

I’m currently attending the CSS Dev Conference in Estes Park. Yesterday I sat through a day of presentations from the best and brightest in front end development. Here are a few highlights. Zoe Gillenwater Zoe spoke on the power of one and the importance of learning. She also discussed the need to push ourselves as […]

Speaking At WordCamp Denver 2012

On October 13th I’ll be presenting at WordCamp Denver 2012. I’ve spoke in public before, but this will be my first time speaking at a web design conference. I’ve attended a few WordCamps in the past, and have always thought it would be fun to speak at one. After attending WordCamp Chicago 2012, I decided […]